Exciting times in 2025!

Exciting times in 2025!

I spent the last year attending tech events, researching trends, and talking with hundreds of entrepreneurs. Here’s what I see as things to look for in 2025 (yep, a lot of AI stuff): Generative AI as a ubiquitous utility Like electricity, gen AI tools are becoming...

Introducing trellispark Release 8!

Introducing trellispark Release 8!

Our latest major release of trellispark continues our relentless pursuit to cut down the time and effort to deliver well crafted custom application solutions to production. Launch your MVP in weeks, not months. Replace existing business apps with a tailormade solution...

Introducing trellispark Release 7!

Introducing trellispark Release 7!

Our latest major release of trellispark continues our relentless pursuit to cut down the time and effort to deliver custom application solutions to production. Launch your MVP in weeks, not months. Easily replace inefficient custom business apps with project effort...

Introducing trellispark Release 6!

Introducing trellispark Release 6!

Our latest major release of trellispark is now available to download for free! trellispark is a requirements virtualization platform that enables you to configure a forms-based custom business application user experience in real-time. Over 90% of the code normally...

How to Achieve More with Efficient IT

How to Achieve More with Efficient IT

Let's start by asking: "What makes our IT inefficient?" The answer often comes down to: "The increasing complexity of our application architectures." Every application in our business has a well-defined scope that is implemented by a hard-coded user experience and...

How to Virtualize UX and CRUD Functionality

How to Virtualize UX and CRUD Functionality

What is Virtualized UX and CRUD Functionality? For the purpose of this discussion “Functionality” means the user experience presented by an application. It is how a user will create and maintain data. It will also be used to invoke workflow on existing data....