trellispark Release 2 Now Available!

by | Mar 23, 2022 | Blog, News, Uncategorized

Announcing our latest major release of trellispark on .NET 6 Blazor / WASM (WebAssembly)! This release is packed with new features and user experience enhancements!

The trellispark framework provides an excellent resource both for building advanced business applications and learning how to use .NET 6 C#/Blazor.

You can download the latest trellispark release for free by logging in to:

Below is a summary of the key features included in this release.

Major Features

Wizards have arrived!

Added a new Form Definition type called Wizard that guides a User through a sequence of steps to complete a complex task. The Wizard form definition can be dynamically generated using a variation of the Page Builder technology that uses the Tab concept to define a sequence of Steps. Each Step can have multiple Field Definitions so that any set of data can be collected as the Wizard guides the User through the Task. As the User completes each Step, the Wizard can save its updates and execute either a TSQL Stored Procedure, or Web API to process the data collected.

Progress on Wizards can be saved and Wizards can be paused and resumed in a later session.

Additional details can be found in this article: Creating Wizards Guide

Data Migration Template

Added extra Code Generation features to create an intermediate table for a concept that serves as a standard entry point for incoming bulk instance data. The idea is that the incoming data is written to the migration table and then processed by a TSQL Stored Procedure (also Code Generated) that validates the record fields and maps the data to its XML equivalent. There is then a migration process that will import all of the data from the migration tables into the database in an appropriate schedule.

This functionality will be useful to anybody trying to automate initial data migration as part of a transformation project. It will also be useful to anybody who has to import bulk data from external applications or parties as a batch process.

Although a lot of the process was successfully simplified by the Code Generation process, there will be some Concepts and Fields that may need additional customization by the DBA before the automation will work.

Additional details can be found in this article: Data Migration Functionality Guide

Email Marketing

Added a new feature that enables a user to generate a sequence of emails and release them at preset times.

Users can specify various different types of distribution list generation, including all active users in the workspace, a selected list of active users in the workspace, a user defined list of email addresses, a list of topics cross referenced against active user preferences, custom defined TSQL, and automatically sending the email when a specific invitation is used to join a workspace. The exact sequence to send is determined by a control on the Invitation.

Messages can be scheduled or sequenced with sequenced emails being timed after a set interval from the previous email.

Additional details can be found in this article: Automated Messaging Guide

User Alerts

Added a new feature that allows Alerts to be created by the application workflow that can either be sent directly to a User or to a Role shared by many Users.

When a User interacts with the application a bell is added to the Command Bar that displays a count of the Alerts sent directly to the User, or to Roles that the User has access to.

The User can pop open a modal window that displays a list of open Alerts. The User can open the Alert from the list and then interact with the Alert and where necessary navigate to the Instance that the Alert was raised against.

Minor Features

  • Add ability to suppress breadcrumbs on an instance
  • Make the logo a hyper link to the home page
  • Implement Role based access controls to Recover Instances and Previous Instances commands
  • On command bar – suppress drop down command list if there isn’t anything to display
  • Remove the Tab control from an instance if there is only one tab to display
  • Improve the user experience of the Bookmark component
  • Add default value to Single and Multi-Select components
  • Add notes to the ChildList component to explain when to restore defaults
  • Add ability to style Rows using CSS
  • Add ability to call TSQL on new instances being added by ChildList components
  • Implement ability to style field elements using CSS
  • Change name of the Tooltips parameter to Show Descriptions
  • Change the range of available fields selectable by the Instance Name Builder
  • Implemented the Footer UX component
  • Add SaveInstance TSQL option to Form Builder that will be called after an Instance is saved by the REST-API-Core, but BEFORE it is re-displayed
  • Add the ability to add Subform Templates to your Workspace to extend the functionality of Concepts on a per Workspace basis
  • Introduce the Teams concept into the Workspace for additional assignment and security contexts
  • Make it easy to identify Service Accounts in the User Administration app
  • BUG – fixed list of allowed states when cascading state transitions
  • Add new UX component for calling external URLs
  • Add new UX component for collecting information about appointment Frequencies
  • Added an option to Auto Save when a field value changes
  • Restrict list of workspaces on sign in to only those where the User is Active in an Active Workspace

BUGS Fixed

  • List of allowed states when cascading state transitions
  • Issue with Row Definitions on Subforms breaking the Form Builder
  • Issue with Done button transferring to default application instead of last application when returned from a Workspace level instance
  • Issue with the UX component Parent-Child