We empower non-technical founders to quickly bring their product to market, iterate to market fit, and scale.
The Non-Technical Founder Problem
A startup wants to build their application, but how?
Partner with a Technical Founder?
- Hard to find a good fit
- Dilute equity
Pay a custom dev shop?
- High cost and risk
- Hard to manage
Both options have a high risk of failure.
But what if a startup had a low risk alternative to build their application and socialize with early adopters after the first 4-weeks?
We can show how.

How Are We Different?
We have redefined the DevOps process, eliminating most UX mock-ups, architecture, design, coding, and testing.
This empowers a team of to achieve the work of 20.

Secure, Robust, Scalable to millions of users
With trellispark, anyone can configure an application user experience with:
- Any information model
- Any security model
- Any record lifecycle
- On any device (web, mobile, desktop)
- …And a LOT more
Achieve product-market fit faster
Coupled with their deep application security experience and trellispark’s powerful features, we implemented an innovative healthcare MVP solution in 4-weeks and far less cost than any alternative. We have been able to rapidly evolve our product and attract new customers.
Chris Geisler, Founder + CEO
Fluid Scientific Ltd.
Meet greatideaz co-founders, Rob Halasz & Tony Nicholls
Ready to start building?