Exciting times in 2025!

by | Dec 31, 2024 | Blog, News

I spent the last year attending tech events, researching trends, and talking with hundreds of entrepreneurs. Here’s what I see as things to look for in 2025 (yep, a lot of AI stuff):

Generative AI as a ubiquitous utility

Like electricity, gen AI tools are becoming more and more accessible to businesses as the cost continues to drive downwards. Having “exceptional taste” in your user experience is as equally important as the functionality itself in a world that’s increasingly saturated with overlapping features. And being “AI agnostic”, where you can swap out different models on-demand is important going into 2025 as the sands continue to shift.

Explosion of purpose-specific LLMs

In 2025, expect the continued development of a wide array of smaller, purpose-specific LLMs that offer better quality and cost efficiency for businesses.

More empowered healthcare

There’s way more momentum for disruptive tech in healthcare now than I’ve seen in the last 20+ years. Yes, EMR data is still very fragmented across the industry, but patient-centred solutions are getting more attention. Empowering patients to better understand their healthspan and medical records (including images) and having more control of how they get their care (including medical tourism) will grow in 2025.

Knowledge worker productivity

The idea of a one-person billion-dollar startup is nuts, but making a knowledge worker far more productive is real. And the maturity of agentic AI tools will be an exciting trend in 2025.

Disruption in marketing continues

The marketing industry continues to be disrupted by gen AI in a big way. Coming up with a truly creative idea is still squarely with talented humans, but the entire marketing media production volume of work continues to be upended. Video production with AI could get crazy in 2025.

Other markets

So many other B2B industries are increasing their rollout of AI in 2025. From call center co-pilots and coaches, insurance risk management, and education, to drug discovery, predictive maintenance (commercial and industrial properties), regulatory compliance, and smarter agri-tech.

Coding with gen AI

Gen AI for coding has gotten a ton of attention over the last year. The reality is that it’s often being used as a basic code generator with an AI interpreter. Great for simple use cases or a quick way to learn how to create an interface. But like code generators of the past, you end up with a lot of code that then needs to be maintained and refactored by humans. If anything, it has the potential to increase (not decrease) our need for more coders. I’m personally very interested in harnessing gen AI tools even more in 2025, where code can be minimized through a platform and efficiency to deliver custom features is accelerated with gen AI.

Wishing everyone an amazing 2025!

Rob Halasz

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